November 10, 2011


Things are beginning to warm up in the GOP bid for the next Chief Executive. Looking at this field of horses, is there truly anyone out there with a full grasp of the unique circumstances facing the United States right now? The America we have today is no longer your daddy's America...this is a new thing; a nation wrapping itself in tethers while a self-interested lot stands off in the dark, orchestrating it all.

There is much to be said for affiliations. We join together with people of like mind, like concerns, like concept of solutions. We want our leaders to be able to fit into our "group", too. It's too hard to support someone's ideas who simply doesn't "think like us".

So when we see support for Romney, Paul, Cain, or Perry, we can see how many "think like them". This is the basis of election, that the majority rules. Yet, what do we do when those who stand up for election stretch and morph their characters to appease the majority, at the sake of providing true leadership? Aren't we only left with voting for dreams or the images of our ideals?

Packaging, marketing, branding, sociology, psychology, hyponotism, entertainment. This is the real competition in a Presidential election. Whoever has the biggest purse usually wins. Usually. Money can buy a lot of skill, talents, partners,supporters and votes.

Unfortunately, this election season is beginning to smell like the same-old same-old politics we've been complaining about for years. Why even wonder if it will turn out any differently? Our election system is an oft-repeating insanity -- doing the same thing over and over again, expecting somehow, there will occur a different outcome.

May 27, 2008

Politics, by definition,
is the art of achieving results
in terms of control over Man’s behavior;
a study of influence, and the influential;
of Who Gets What, When, and How.

In affairs of state, politics is always a means to some social end. Too often, the target is to arrive at an unworthy end, whereby politics merely becomes an end in itself.
In a Democracy, every citizen has a legal right to participate in politics, and every party stands equal with every other political organization. But random choice can no more create purpose than a law degree can create a President. If it is to our dismay that politicians cannot recognize the desires of the citizenry, it is to our shame when we act in the insanity of selecting a President by whim, from those proven not to act in recognition of the people’s desires.
When the people become cynical toward politics and political promises, they look eagerly for a candidate whom exhibits statesman-like qualities of candor, honesty, courage, and devotion to duty. Ours is a nation which queries, “Why have there been no first-class politicians risen in years?” Is it because leadership has been lacking? Or is it we’ve simply forgotten what true leadership looks like?

Where is that individual whose vision sparks a fire inside of us, bearing witness, Yes! That’s the One! It is not fashion which makes the greatest impression; it is Character which stamps a lasting image. It is the capacity to be approachable, intelligent, decisive, communicative, and believable, with an Integrity which is the dividing factor between a vibrant, results-oriented President, and a mundane, shallow charlatan.

Will the next Chief Executive take the oath of office because that candidate’s war chest was greater than the competition’s?
Or because a spirit
swept the citizenry,
and a Vision took root?

What, precisely, are we to expect of those whom we empower with the responsibilities of political administration?
For all elected officials, it would seem the chief focus is to:

1. Bring to light the desired goals of the nation as a whole
2. Bring to fruition a combined benefit for the citizenry
3. Expose and eradicate the inconsistencies which thwart
the realization of the first two aims

Management of a system such as the United States government requires a leadership whose experience recognizes the intrinsic problems common to all people; and an attitude which reflects a fearless optimism that such problems can be tackled and overcome. The essence of politics is compromise; politics is the art of the possible, and of the expedient: it is the middle way. But what is possible, is intolerable to the idealist; what is expedient is anathema to the moralist; what is the middle way draws the curses of the fanatic.
Politics has often been called the practice of the second choice. In fact, success in politics often yields less than second choice. Much of the present-day disillusionment with democracy is a widespread disgust with a game in which even the winners are little-pleased with their half-victories. Hence, in every democracy there appears groups of fanatical extremists whose objective is to set up a totalitarian state in which they will not be required to compromise their respective programs.
When we look at the war in Iraq, we can see the evidence of just such a wrangling for power against a change to a democratic opportunity, which those who benefited from the oppression and favoritism of the old system find intolerable.

Fed by a mercenary insurgency to stir up strife,
and to keep Democracy at bay by robbing Iraqis of their sense of security, safety, or hope in their new government, this is not simply the reaction of Iraqis
to the Coalition’s presence, or the impact of Iraqi
civil is being done on purpose.

These groups participate in politics and exploit its benefits in order to abolish it. These totalitarian parties are fighting militias, and not political parties. Their tactic is to thwart agreement, rather than facilitate it. Their spirit is that of all or nothing, and not that of compromise. If such groups gain strength, the practice of politics becomes impossible.
Through the introduction of Controversy, anger and frustration have been used as tools of opportunity. Whether the instigation of racial tension under which Hitler moved to eradicate the Jews, or the KKK enlisted its lynch mobs, or a Muslim is convinced to strap on a suicide belt, people are manipulated by emotion to enact change to remove what is uncomfortable through the stirrings of Controversy.
Controversy requires dissatisfaction which becomes the weapon against Apathy. Controversy doesn’t require truthfulness; it has as its simple goal the intent to facilitate involvement. Controversy can strike a chord of concern over “global warming" to bring attention to Al Gore; Controversy marches front and center to boost the Democratic rolls through partisan criticism of George Bush. Controversy was the tool Rosie O’Donnell used to shine a spotlight on gay marriage; Controversy garnered attention for a pseudo-Church in the graveyards of our military dead. Controversy brings fame to the mundane and conversational topics to talk shows. Controversy brings attention.
While Controversy is effective against Apathy, it is dangerous in that it provides a direct link to anger and frustration, which can lead to offense and retribution. As a strategy, it becomes the vehicle of enlistment.

As a mercenary weapon, Controversy
has the capacity to incite violence.

But Controversy has no place in the directorship of a nation. It is a “fool’s tool ” when made a lever for the works of government. Because it needn’t lean on fact for support, Controversy has no solid foundation upon which to stand and is as malleable as the audience it is thrown at.
It has taken many years of social manipulation through Controversy to bring the American people to a point of dissatisfaction with Democracy, and to prepare the way for American Socialism. Are we not already seeing the creeping vestiges of what Globalization will mean for America?


May 16, 2008


Every fifth grade Civics student knows there is a distinct difference between Theocratic, Socialistic, Communistic and Democratic systems of government.
Increasingly, our elected and appointed representatives lean toward those whose goal it is to integrate socialistic or communistic ideologies into the framework of our Democratic governmental system. Yet to do so is to undermine the very premise of a democracy; that it is the people who comprise the government, and by the people's combined selection of interested representatives, have a voice in the matters of the nation.

Socialism removes the relationship between the nation’s people and the government, placing governmental executive responsibility into the hands of a few. These are chosen for selection, and stood before the people for election, to oversee the complexities of governmental affairs “for the benefit of the nation”. Democratic adaptations of Socialism develops a shadow of a looming “Big Government” system which is slow, lumbering,, full of expensive social programs, requiring equally large tax increases to fund them.

Under Socialism, the people have a voice through civil unruliness, if issues arise which demand social change. Comparatively, Communism pulls back farther from incorporating the people’s influence upon governmental affairs, issuing edicts for social obedience, and orchestrating the people to accomplish the government’s desires. Neither system provides an acceptable alternative for an American weaned on the ability to work for change, and having opportunity through citizen freedoms to be capable of enacting that change.
Though democracy has its foibles, it’s rewards run deep in a history of sweeping social influence upon socialistic and communistic neighbors. It is not the strength of the government, the military, or the finances of industry which have conceived this kind of influence upon the world. It is the sheer delight of individuals living life as a free people, and recognizing the special effect such freedom can impart upon the world.


April 26, 2008


Today, over a quarter billion individuals gather beneath the stars and stripes lovingly sewn by Betsy Ross under commission of George Washington. I’m told Betsy Ross is one of my ancestors; and I wonder if the symbol her hands crafted was ever intended to be an object of hatred. I wonder if she ever dreamed the number of them which would be burned. I doubt she ever conceived of the number of them which would be draped over young men’s coffins.

If she stood before you here today, would she recognize her country? Would she see it as a place of opportunity? Probably. Would she consider it a place of freedom? I doubt it.

Our founding fathers discovered there is no practice, application, nor system which can rival the unity, common enlightenment, and possibilities for a people who stand in agreement with the Holy Spirit of God. It is this spiritual foundation which was the woof and web of our infant republic; the rock upon which our American freedoms were built, immersed in the proven promises of a Divine Creator.

Though some would reason, “We could care less where we began, for our concern is for where we will end up.”, we cannot refute, One Nation Under God is in agreement with our Constitution; In God We Trust is the motto of our foundations. A righteous people can say, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper”; a united people can declare, “In God is my strength”.

Yet what strength have we, divided in our chosen spirituality? Spirit is not just some mystery of religion: spirit is a quality of character recognized by action, unifying by agreement. For a nation to embrace an alcoholic spirit, a perverse spirit, a drug-addicted spirit, a promiscuous spirit, a violent spirit, or a lawless spirit, is to provide the vehicle by consensual agreement of the people for the degradation and ultimate destruction of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

What babe in an abortionist’s curettage machine ever realized Life? What embryo, farmed like a plant in a petrie dish, ever realized Liberty? What proponent for euthanasia ever grasped a firm hold on the Pursuit of Happiness?

Do these “reasonable” arguments against our founding premises truly mean our concern is for where we will end up? Our disdain that America was born of Faith? Or that it is to our shame America was draped over a figure on a cross?

Is this the America we have accepted? One in which our Ten Commandments are hidden in shame; a new placard hung in it’s place:

1. Grab him in the biscuits
2. Better to be the predator than the prey

What blinded us to believe that to embrace a spirit of Love, Kindness, Help and Community which perpetuates good, cannot lead us in the practices of responsible stewardship, and a purpose of perpetuating Prosperity and Peace?

Being American cannot remain on this course of being all gusto and foolishness, bluster and aggressiveness. We are not animals that our demeanor as a nation should reflect a common carnality. We must collectively give ourselves over to Submission: moving in agreement with what is Right. We are not beasts which take as opportunity permits, raping for self-satisfaction, killing as a convenient solution.

If this be a Republic by the people, we must speak with one voice. If this be a Democracy for the people, we must be found in agreement. If this be an America of the people, then it is an America also for children, for families, for the elderly, the handicapped, the immigrant, the poor, the sick, the drug-addicted, the discouraged, and the disenfranchised, whose voice too, must be heard; whose concerns too, must be raised; whose future also, is of America.
